Source code for gunagala.psf

Point spread functions
import math

import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage

from astropy import units as u
from astropy.convolution import discretize_model
from astropy.modeling import Fittable2DModel
from astropy.modeling.functional_models import Moffat2D

from gunagala import utils

[docs]class PSF(): """ Abstract base class representing a 2D point spread function. Used to calculate pixelated version of the PSF and associated parameters useful for point source signal to noise and saturation limit calculations. """ @property def pixel_scale(self): """ Pixel scale used when calculating pixellated point spread functions or related parameters. Returns ------- pixel_scale : astropy.units.Quantity Pixel scale in angle on the sky per pixel units. """ try: return self._pixel_scale except AttributeError: return None @pixel_scale.setter def pixel_scale(self, pixel_scale): pixel_scale = utils.ensure_unit(pixel_scale, (u.arcsecond / u.pixel)) if pixel_scale <= 0 * u.arcsecond / u.pixel: raise ValueError("Pixel scale should be > 0, got {}!".format(pixel_scale)) else: self._pixel_scale = pixel_scale # When pixel scale is set/changed need to update model parameters: self._update_model() @property def n_pix(self): """ The PSF's effective number of pixels for the worse case where the PSF is centred on the corner of a pixel. The effective number of pixels is for signal to noise calculations for PSF fitting photometry. The signal to noise for PSF fitting photometry is the same as if the signal were evenly distributed over this many pixels. Returns ------- n_pix : astropy.units.Quantity Effective number of pixels """ try: return self._n_pix except AttributeError: return None @property def peak(self): """ The maximum fraction of the total signal that can fall in a single pixel. This is simply the central pixel value of the PSF when it is perfectly centred on a pixel centre. This is useful for saturation limit calculations. Returns ------- peak : astropy.units.Quantity Maximum fraction of the total signal that can fall in a single pixel, in 1/pixel units. """ try: return self._peak except AttributeError: return None def _get_peak(self): """ Calculate the peak pixel value (as a fraction of total counts) for a PSF centred on a pixel. This is useful for calculating saturation limits for point sources. """ # Odd number of pixels (1) so offsets = (0, 0) is centred on a pixel centred_psf = self.pixellated(size=1, offsets=(0, 0)) return centred_psf[0, 0] / u.pixel def _get_n_pix(self, size=20): """ Calculate the effective number of pixels for PSF fitting photometry with this PSF, in the worse case where the PSF is centred on the corner of a pixel. """ # Want a even number of pixels. size = size + size % 2 # Even number of pixels so offsets = (0, 0) is centred on pixel corners corner_psf = self.pixellated(size, offsets=(0, 0)) return 1 / ((corner_psf**2).sum()) * u.pixel def _update_model(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class FittablePSF(PSF, Fittable2DModel): """ Base class representing a 2D point spread function based on a Fittable2DModel from astropy.modelling. Used to calculate pixelated version of the PSF and associated parameters useful for point source signal to noise and saturation limit calculations. Parameters ---------- FWHM : astropy.units.Quantity Full Width at Half-Maximum of the PSF in angle on the sky units. pixel_scale : astropy.units.Quantity, optional Pixel scale (angle/pixel) to use when calculating pixellated point spread functions or related parameters. Does not need to be set on object creation but must be set before before pixellation function can be used. """ def __init__(self, FWHM, pixel_scale=None, **kwargs): self._FWHM = utils.ensure_unit(FWHM, u.arcsecond) if pixel_scale is not None: self.pixel_scale = pixel_scale super().__init__(**kwargs) @property def FWHM(self): """ Full Width at Half-Maximum of the PSF. Returns ------- FWHM : astropy.units.Quantity Full Width at Half-Maximum in angle on the sky units. """ return self._FWHM @FWHM.setter def FWHM(self, FWHM): FWHM = utils.ensure_unit(FWHM, u.arcsecond) if FWHM <= 0 * u.arcsecond: raise ValueError("FWHM should be > 0, got {}!".format(FWHM)) else: self._FWHM = FWHM # If a pixel scale has already been set should update model parameters when FWHM changes. if self.pixel_scale: self._update_model()
[docs] def pixellated(self, size=21, offsets=(0.0, 0.0)): """ Calculates a pixellated version of the PSF. The pixel values are calculated using 10x oversampling, i.e. by evaluating the continuous PSF model at a 10 x 10 grid of positions within each pixel and averaging the results. Parameters ---------- size : int, optional Size of the pixellated PSF to calculate, the returned image will have `size` x `size` pixels. Default value 21. offset : tuple of floats, optional y and x axis offsets of the centre of the PSF from the centre of the returned image, in pixels. Returns ------- pixellated : numpy.array Pixellated PSF image with `size` by `size` pixels. The PSF is normalised to an integral of 1 however the sum of the pixellated PSF will be somewhat less due to truncation of the PSF wings by the edge of the image. """ size = int(size) if size <= 0: raise ValueError("`size` must be > 0, got {}!".format(size)) # Update PSF centre coordinates self.x_0 = offsets[0] self.y_0 = offsets[1] xrange = (-(size - 1) / 2, (size + 1) / 2) yrange = (-(size - 1) / 2, (size + 1) / 2) return discretize_model(self, xrange, yrange, mode='oversample', factor=10)
[docs]class MoffatPSF(FittablePSF, Moffat2D): """ Class representing a 2D Moffat profile point spread function. Used to calculate pixelated version of the PSF and associated parameters useful for point source signal to noise and saturation limit calculations. Parameters ---------- FWHM : astropy.units.Quantity Full Width at Half-Maximum of the PSF in angle on the sky units shape : float, optional Shape parameter of the Moffat function, must be > 1, default 2.5 pixel_scale : astropy.units.Quantity, optional Pixel scale (angle/pixel) to use when calculating pixellated point spread functions or related parameters. Does not need to be set on object creation but must be set before before pixellation function can be used. Attributes ---------- n_pix: astropy.units.Quantity Effective number of pixels Notes ----- Smaller values of the shape parameter correspond to 'wingier' profiles. A value of 4.765 would give the best fit to pure Kolmogorov atmospheric turbulence. When instrumental effects are added a lower value is appropriate. IRAF uses a default of 2.5. """ def __init__(self, model=None, shape=2.5, **kwargs): if shape <= 1.0: raise ValueError('shape must be greater than 1!') super().__init__(alpha=shape, **kwargs) @property def shape(self): """ Shape parameter of the Moffat function, see Notes. Returns ------- shape : float Shape parameter value. """ return self.alpha @shape.setter def shape(self, alpha): if alpha <= 1.0: raise ValueError('shape must be greater than 1!') self.alpha = alpha # If a pixel scale has already been set should update model parameters when alpha changes. if self.pixel_scale: self._update_model() def _update_model(self): # Convert FWHM from arcsecond to pixel units self._FWHM_pix = self.FWHM / self.pixel_scale # Convert to FWHM to Moffat profile width parameter in pixel units gamma = self._FWHM_pix / (2 * np.sqrt(2**(1 / self.alpha) - 1)) # Calculate amplitude required for normalised PSF amplitude = (self.alpha - 1) / (np.pi * gamma**2) # Update model parameters self.gamma = self.amplitude =**-2).value self._n_pix = self._get_n_pix() self._peak = self._get_peak()
[docs]class PixellatedPSF(PSF): """ Class representing a 2D point spread function based on an already pixellated data, e.g. a PSF calculated with optical design software. Used to calculate pixelated version of the PSF and associated parameters useful for point source signal to noise and saturation limit calculations. Parameters ---------- psf_data: numpy.array Pixellated PSF data. psf_sampling: astropy.units.Quantity Pixel scale (angle/pixel) of psf_data. psf_centre: (float, float), optional Pixel coordinates of the PSF centre within psf_data (zero based, (y, x)). If not given psf_data.shape / 2 will be assumed. oversampling : integer, optional Oversampling factor used when shifting & resampling the PSF, default 10. pixel_scale : astropy.units.Quantity, optional Pixel scale (angle/pixel) to use when calculating pixellated point spread functions or related parameters. Does not need to be set on object creation but must be set before before pixellation function can be used. renormalise: bool, optional Whether to renormalise the PSF to a total of 1 during initialisation, default True. Only set to False if the psf_data is already correctly normalised. """ def __init__(self, psf_data, psf_sampling, psf_centre=None, oversampling=10, pixel_scale=None, renormalise=True, **kwargs): if renormalise: self._psf_data = psf_data / psf_data.sum() else: self._psf_data = psf_data self._psf_sampling = utils.ensure_unit(psf_sampling, u.arcsecond / u.pixel) if psf_centre is None: self._psf_centre = np.array(psf_data.shape) / 2 else: self._psf_centre = np.array(psf_centre) self._oversampling = int(oversampling) if pixel_scale is not None: # This will also call _update_model() self.pixel_scale = pixel_scale
[docs] def pixellated(self, size=21, offsets=(0.0, 0.0)): """ Calculates a pixellated version of the PSF. The pixel values are calculated by shifting and resampling the original psf_data, then binning by the oversampling factor. Parameters ---------- size : int, optional Size of the pixellated PSF to calculate, the returned image will have `size` x `size` pixels. Default value 21. offsets : tuple of floats, optional y and x axis offsets of the centre of the PSF from the centre of the returned image, in pixels. Returns ------- pixellated : numpy.array Pixellated PSF image with `size` by `size` pixels. The PSF is normalised to an integral of 1 however the sum of the pixellated PSF will be somewhat less due to truncation of the PSF wings by the edge of the image. """ resampled_size = int(size) * self._oversampling # Arrays of pixel coordinates relative to array centre resampled_coordinates = np.mgrid[-(resampled_size - 1) / 2:resampled_size / 2, -(resampled_size - 1) / 2:resampled_size / 2] # Apply offsets so origin is at desired PSF centre resampled_offsets = np.reshape(np.array(offsets) * self._oversampling, (2, 1, 1)) resampled_coordinates = resampled_coordinates - resampled_offsets # Convert from resampled PSF pixel units to original PSF pixel units resampled_coordinates = resampled_coordinates / self._resampling_factor # Add position of PSF centre in psf_data so origin is the same as the origin of psf_data resampled_coordinates = resampled_coordinates + np.reshape(self._psf_centre, (2, 1, 1)) # Calculate resampled PSF using cubic spline interpolation resampled_psf = ndimage.map_coordinates(self._psf_data, resampled_coordinates) # Rebin to the correct pixel scale pixellated = utils.bin_array(resampled_psf, self._oversampling) # Renormalise to correct for the effect of resampling return pixellated / self._resampling_factor**2
def _get_n_pix(self): # For accurate results want the calculation to include the whole PSF. size = int(math.ceil(max(self._psf_data.shape) * self._psf_sampling / self.pixel_scale)) return super()._get_n_pix(size=size) def _update_model(self): self._resampled_scale = self.pixel_scale / self._oversampling self._resampling_factor = self._psf_sampling / self._resampled_scale self._n_pix = self._get_n_pix() self._peak = self._get_peak()