Source code for gunagala.optical_filter

Optical filters
import os

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar, brentq
from scipy.special import eval_chebyt

from astropy import units as u
from astropy.table import Table
from import get_pkg_data_filename

from gunagala.utils import ensure_unit

data_dir = 'data/performance_data'

[docs]class Filter: """ Class representing an optical bandpass filter. The filter bandpass can be defined either by a table of transmission versus wavelength data or by one of the included analytic functions: Butterworth function or Chebyshev Type I. Parameters ---------- transmission_filename : str, optional Name of file containing transmission as a function of wavelength data. Must be in a format readable by `` and use column names `Wavelength` and `Transmission`. If the data file does not provide units nm and dimensionless unscaled will be assumed. chebyshev_params : dict, optional Dictionary containing the parameters wave1, wave2, order, ripple and peak for the Chebyshev Type I parameterised filter model. butterworth_params : dict, optional Dictionary containing the parameters wave1, wave2, order and peak for the Butterworth parameterised filter model. apply_aoi : bool, optional Whether to model angle of incidence effects due to installation of the filter in a converging beam. If the filter is to be installed in a pupil or the transmission profile already includes these effects this should be set to False. If set to True then calls to the `transmission()` method will have to specify the range of angles of incidence. Default False n_eff : float, optional Effective refractive index value for the filter coatings. This is used only by the angle of incidence effect model. Typical values for real interference filters range from ~1.5 to ~2, and are in general polarisation dependent (not modelled here). Default 1.75. theta_range : astropy.units.Quantity, optional 2 element Quantity specifying the range of angles of incidence (min, max). If specified this will be used to model the effect of a converging beam on the calculated filter parameters (FWHM, lambda_c, etc). """ def __init__(self, transmission_filename=None, chebyshev_params=None, butterworth_params=None, apply_aoi=False, n_eff=1.75, theta_range=None, *kwargs): n_args = np.count_nonzero((transmission_filename, chebyshev_params, butterworth_params)) if n_args != 1: raise ValueError("One and only one of `tranmission_filename`, `chebyshev_params` & `butterworth_params`" + "must be specified, got {}!".format(n_args)) self.apply_aoi = apply_aoi self.n_eff = n_eff if theta_range: self._theta_range = ensure_unit(theta_range, u.radian) else: self._theta_range = None if transmission_filename: transmission_data =, transmission_filename))) if not transmission_data['Wavelength'].unit: transmission_data['Wavelength'].unit = u.nm self.wavelengths = transmission_data['Wavelength'] if not transmission_data['Transmission'].unit: transmission_data['Transmission'].unit = u.dimensionless_unscaled self._transmission = transmission_data['Transmission'] # Create linear interpolator for calculating transmission at arbitrary wavelength self._interpolator = interp1d(self.wavelengths, self._transmission, kind='linear', fill_value='extrapolate') elif chebyshev_params: # Ensure all parameters are present (filling in defaults where necessary) and are the correct types/units wave1 = ensure_unit(chebyshev_params['wave1'], u.nm) wave2 = ensure_unit(chebyshev_params['wave2'], u.nm) order = int(chebyshev_params['order']) ripple = chebyshev_params.get('ripple', 1) peak = ensure_unit(chebyshev_params.get('peak', 0.95), u.dimensionless_unscaled) # Create a lambda function to calculate transmission at arbitrary wavelength. scale = peak / cheby_band(w=(wave1 + wave2)/2, w1=wave1, w2=wave2, N=order, ripple=ripple, scale=1) self._interpolator = lambda x: cheby_band(x, w1=wave1, w2=wave2, N=order, ripple=ripple, scale=scale) # Store parameters for later reference self._params = {'wave1': wave1, 'wave2': wave2, 'order': order, 'ripple': ripple, 'scale': scale, 'peak': peak} elif butterworth_params: # Ensure all parameters are present (filling in defaults where necessary) and are the correct types/units wave1 = ensure_unit(butterworth_params['wave1'], u.nm) wave2 = ensure_unit(butterworth_params['wave2'], u.nm) order = int(butterworth_params['order']) peak = ensure_unit(butterworth_params.get('peak', 0.95), u.dimensionless_unscaled) # Create a lambda function to calculate transmission at arbitrary wavelength. scale = peak / butter_band(w=(wave1 + wave2) / 2, w1=wave1, w2=wave2, N=order, scale=1) self._interpolator = lambda x: butter_band(x, w1=wave1, w2=wave2, N=order, scale=scale) # Store parameters for later reference self._params = {'wave1': wave1, 'wave2': wave2, 'order': order, 'scale': scale, 'peak': peak} self._update_properties() @property def theta_range(self): """ 2 element Quantity specifying the range of angles of incidence (min, max). Returns ------- theta_range: astropy.units.Quantity 2 element Quantity specifying the range of angles of incidence (min, max). """ return self._theta_range @theta_range.setter def theta_range(self, theta_range): self._theta_range = ensure_unit(theta_range, u.radian) self._update_properties() @property def peak(self): """ Peak transmission of the filter Returns ------- peak : astropy.units.Quantity Peak transmission of the filter in dimensionless unscaled units """ return self._peak @property def lambda_peak(self): """ Wavelength at peak transmission of the filter Returns ------- lambda_peak : astropy.units.Quantity Wavelength at peak transmission """ return self._lambda_peak @property def FWHM(self): """ Full-Width at Half Maximum of the filter Returns ------- FWHM : astropy.units.Quantity FWHM of the filter transmission profile """ return self._FWHM @property def lambda_c(self): """ Central wavelength of the filter, defined here as the mid point between the two wavelengths where transmission is half peak transmission. Returns ------- lambda_c : astropy.units.Quantity Central wavelength """ return self._lambda_c
[docs] def transmission(self, waves, theta_range=None): """ Return filter transmission at the given wavelength(s). For filter bandpasses defined by data tables this will interpolate/extrapolate as required while for filter bandpasses defined by analytic expressions it will be calculated directly. Parameters ---------- waves : astropy.units.Quantity Wavelength(s) for which the filter transmission is required theta_range : astropy.units.Quantity, optional 2 element quantity specifying the range of angles of incidence (min, max). If specified this will be used to model the effect of a converging beam on the filter bandpass. If not specified the default values set when creating the Filter instance will be used. Returns ------- waves : astropy.units.Quantity Filter transmission at the given wavelength(s) """ waves = ensure_unit(waves, u.nm) if self.apply_aoi and (theta_range or self.theta_range): if theta_range: theta_range = ensure_unit(theta_range, u.radian) else: theta_range = self.theta_range # Thetas spanning range with equal spacing in theta^2 (approximate weighting by solid angle) thetas = np.linspace(theta_range.min()**2, theta_range.max()**2, num=10)**0.5 thetas = thetas.reshape((1, len(thetas))) # For each input wavelength create shifted effective wavelengths for each angle of incidence. len_waves = 1 if waves.isscalar else len(waves) # len() fails on scalar Quantities shifted_waves = waves.reshape((len_waves, 1)) / (1 - (np.sin(thetas / self.n_eff))**2)**0.5 # Use interpolator to look up transmission for every shifted wavelength trans = self._interpolator(shifted_waves) # Finally take mean over thetas (effectively an approximate integral over solid angle) trans = trans.mean(axis=1) else: trans = self._interpolator(waves) # Make sure interpolation/extrapolation doesn't take transmission unphysically below zero or above 1 trans = np.where(trans > 0, trans, 0) trans = np.where(trans <= 1, trans, 1) # Put units back (interpolator doesn't work with Quantity, nor does np.where) return ensure_unit(trans, u.dimensionless_unscaled)
def _update_properties(self): # Calculate filter parameters (peak transmission, FWHM, lambda_c) # Will use the interpolator for all filter types but optimizer/solver bounds will depend on whether we have # tabular data or not if hasattr(self, 'wavelengths'): # Tabular filter self._peak = self._transmission.max() self._lambda_peak = self.wavelengths[self._transmission.argmax()] above_half_max = np.arange(len(self._transmission))[self._transmission > 0.5 * self._peak] if self.apply_aoi and self.theta_range: blue_half_max_a = self.wavelengths[above_half_max[0] - 1] * \ (1 - (np.sin(self.theta_range.max() / self.n_eff))**2)**0.5 else: blue_half_max_a = self.wavelengths[above_half_max[0] - 1] blue_half_max_b = self.wavelengths[above_half_max[0]] if self.apply_aoi and self.theta_range: red_half_max_a = self.wavelengths[above_half_max[-1]] * \ (1 - (np.sin(self.theta_range.max() / self.n_eff))**2)**0.5 else: red_half_max_a = self.wavelengths[above_half_max[-1]] red_half_max_b = self.wavelengths[above_half_max[-1] + 1] else: # Parameterised filter. wave1 = self._params['wave1'] wave2 = self._params['wave2'] self._lambda_peak = (wave1 + wave2) / 2 if self.apply_aoi and self.theta_range: blue_half_max_a = (wave1 - (wave2 - wave1)) * \ (1 - (np.sin(self.theta_range.max() / self.n_eff))**2)**0.5 else: blue_half_max_a = wave1 - (wave2 - wave1) blue_half_max_b = self._lambda_peak red_half_max_a = (wave1 + wave2) / 2 red_half_max_b = wave2 + (wave2 - wave1) peak_results = minimize_scalar(lambda x: -self.transmission(x).value, method='Bounded', bounds=(blue_half_max_a.value, red_half_max_b.value)) if not peak_results.success: raise RuntimeError("Failed to find peak of filter transmission profile!") self._lambda_peak = peak_results.x * u.nm self._peak = self.transmission(self._lambda_peak) blue_half_max_results = brentq(lambda x: self.transmission(x).value - self._peak.value / 2, blue_half_max_a.value, blue_half_max_b.value, full_output=True) red_half_max_results = brentq(lambda x: self.transmission(x).value - self._peak.value / 2, red_half_max_a.value, red_half_max_b.value, full_output=True) if not (blue_half_max_results[1].converged and red_half_max_results[1].converged): raise RuntimeError("Problem finding half maximum points of filter transmission profile!") self._lambda_c = (blue_half_max_results[0] + red_half_max_results[0]) * u.nm / 2 self._FWHM = (red_half_max_results[0] - blue_half_max_results[0]) * u.nm
[docs]def butter_band(w, w1, w2, N, scale=0.95): """ Simple Butterworth bandpass filter function in wavelength space. Parameters ---------- w : astropy.units.Quantity Wavelength w1 : astropy.units.Quantity Wavelength of short wavelength edge of bandpass w2 : astropy.units.Quantity Wavelength of long wavelength edge of bandpass N : int Order of the Butterworth function scale : float, optional Scaling to apply to the transmission of the Butterworth function, default 0.95 Returns ------- transmission : astropy.units.Quantity Filter transmission at wavelength `w`. """ # Bandpass implemented as low pass and high pass in series w = ensure_unit(w, u.nm) g1 = np.sqrt(1 / (1 + (w1/w).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled)**(2*N))) g2 = np.sqrt(1 / (1 + (w/w2).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled)**(2*N))) return scale * g1 * g2
[docs]def cheby_band(w, w1, w2, N, ripple=1, scale=0.95): """ Simple Chebyshev Type I bandpass filter function in wavelength space. Parameters ---------- w : astropy.units.Quantity Wavelength w1 : astropy.units.Quantity Wavelength of short wavelength edge of bandpass w2 : astropy.units.Quantity Wavelength of long wavelength edge of bandpass N : int Order of the Chebyshev function ripple : float, optional Scaling to apply to the ripple of the Chebyshev function, default 1.0 scale : float, optional Scaling to apply to the transmission of the Chebyshev function, default 0.95 Returns ------- transmission : astropy.units.Quantity Filter transmission at wavelength `w`. """ # Bandpass implemented as low pass and high pass in series w = ensure_unit(w, u.nm) g1 = 1 / np.sqrt(1 + ripple**2 * eval_chebyt(N, (w1/w).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled).value)**2) g2 = 1 / np.sqrt(1 + ripple**2 * eval_chebyt(N, (w/w2).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled).value)**2) return scale * g1 * g2