Source code for

Sky background models
import os
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, RectSphereBivariateSpline, SmoothBivariateSpline

import as fits
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as c
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, GeocentricTrueEcliptic, get_sun, Angle
from astropy.time import Time
from import get_pkg_data_filename

from gunagala.utils import ensure_unit

sun_location = ''

[docs]class Sky: """ Abstract base class for sky background models. """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def surface_brightness(*args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Simple(Sky): """ Simple sky background model using fixed, uniform, pre-determined surface brightness values for specific filter bands. Parameters ---------- surface_brightness : dict Dictionary containing filter_name, surface brightness key, value pairs. The surface brightnesses should be `astropy.units.Quantity` objects in ABmag units (the 'per arcsecond' is assumed). """ def __init__(self, surface_brightness, **kwargs): self._surface_brightness = {} for filter_name, sb in surface_brightness.items(): self._surface_brightness[filter_name] = ensure_unit(sb, u.ABmag)
[docs] def surface_brightness(self, filter_name): """ Returns the pre-determined sky surface brightness value for a given named filter. Parameters ---------- filter_name : str Name of the optical filter to use. Returns ------- surface_brightness : astropy.units.Quantity Sky surface brightness in ABmag units (the 'per square arcsecond' is implied). """ try: sb = self._surface_brightness[filter_name] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Sky model has no surface brightness value for filter '{}'!".format(filter_name)) return sb
[docs]class ZodiacalLight(Sky): """ Class representing the Zodiacal Light sky background. Includes methods that return the absolute surface brightness spectral flux density at the ecliptic poles as well as the relative brightness variations as a function of position on the sky. Attributes ---------- waves : astropy.units.Quantity Sequence of wavelengths used by the internal model self.sfd : astropy.units.Quantity Sequence of ecliptic pole surface brightness spectral flux density values corresponding to the wavelengths in `waves`, in energy flux per unit wavelength units. self.photon_sfd : astropy.units.Quantity Sequence of ecliptic pole surface brightness spectral flux density values corresponding to the wavelengths in `waves`, in photon flux per unit wavelength units. """ # Parameters for the zodiacal light spectrum # Colina, Bohlin & Castelli solar spectrum is normalised to V band flux # of 184.2 ergs/s/cm^2/A, _solar_normalisation = 184.2 * u.erg * u.second**-1 ***-2 * u.Angstrom**-1 # Leinert at al NEP zodical light 1.81e-18 erg/s/cm^2/A/arcsec^2 at 0.5 um, # Aldering suggests using 0.01 dex lower. _zl_nep = 1.81e-18 * u.erg * u.second**-1 ***-2 * u.Angstrom**-1 * \ u.arcsecond**-2 * 10**(-0.01) _zl_normalisation = _zl_nep / _solar_normalisation # Central wavelength for reddening/normalisation _lambda_c = 0.5 * # Aldering reddening parameters _f_blue = 0.9 _f_red = 0.48 # Parameters for the zodical light spatial dependence # Data from table 17, Leinert et al (1997). _llsun = np.array([0, 5 ,10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, 150, 165, 180]) _beta = np.array([0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, 60, 75]) _zl_scale = np.array([[np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN, 3140, 1610, 985, 640, 275, 150, 100], \ [np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN, 2940, 1540, 945, 625, 271, 150, 100], \ [np.NaN, np.NaN, 4740, 2470, 1370, 865, 590, 264, 148, 100], \ [11500, 6780, 3440, 1860, 1110, 755, 525, 251, 146, 100], \ [6400, 4480, 2410, 1410, 910, 635, 454, 237, 141, 99], \ [3840, 2830, 1730, 1100, 749, 545, 410, 223, 136, 97], \ [2480, 1870, 1220, 845, 615, 467, 365, 207, 131, 95], \ [1650, 1270, 910, 680, 510, 397, 320, 193, 125, 93], \ [1180, 940, 700, 530, 416, 338, 282, 179, 120, 92], \ [910, 730, 555, 442, 356, 292, 250, 166, 116, 90], \ [505, 442, 352, 292, 243, 209, 183, 134, 104, 86], \ [338, 317, 269, 227, 196, 172, 151, 116, 93, 82], \ [259, 251, 225, 193, 166, 147, 132, 104, 86, 79], \ [212, 210, 197, 170, 150, 133, 119, 96, 82, 77], \ [188, 186, 177, 154, 138, 125, 113, 90, 77, 74], \ [179, 178, 166, 147, 134, 122, 110, 90, 77, 73], \ [179, 178, 165, 148, 137, 127, 116, 96, 79, 72], \ [196, 192, 179, 165, 151, 141, 131, 104, 82, 72], \ [230, 212, 195, 178, 163, 148, 134, 105, 83, 72]]).transpose() def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Pre-calculate zodiacal light spectrum for later use. solar_path = get_pkg_data_filename('data/sky_data/sun_castelli.fits') self._calculate_spectrum(solar_path) self._calculate_spatial()
[docs] def surface_brightness(self, **kwargs): """ Generates a function that will calculate Zodiacal Light ecliptic pole surface brightness as a function of wavelength, in photon spectral flux density units. The returned function take a single `astropy.units.Quantity` parameter, the wavelength(s) at which the Zodiacal Light surface brightness is required. It returns an `astropy.units.Quantity` object containing the corresponding surface brightness values. See `imager.Imager` for a usage example. Returns ------- surface_brightness : callable Function that calculates the ecliptic pole surface brightness for arbitrary wavelength(s). """ # Interpolator strips units, keep them safe for later... unit = self.photon_sfd.unit # Make a wavelength interpolator of photon SFD interpolator = interp1d(self.waves, self.photon_sfd, kind='linear', fill_value='extrapolate') # Return function for calculating photon SFD at arbitrary wavelengths return lambda x: interpolator( * unit
[docs] def relative_brightness(self, position, time): """ Calculate the Zodiacal Light surface brightness relative to that at the ecliptic poles for a given sky position and observing time. At present to model includes the annual rotation of the Zodiacal Light distribution as the Earth orbits the Sun but does not include second order effects due to the inclination of the Earth's orbit relative to the mid plane of the Zodiacal dust disc. Parameters ---------- position : astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord or str Sky position(s) in the form of either a `astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` object or a string that can be converted into one. time : astropy.time.Time or str Time of observation in the form of either an `astropy.time.Time` or a string that can be converted into one. Returns ------- rel_SB : numpy.array Relative sky brightness of the Zodiacal light at the given sky position(s) """ # Convert position(s) to SkyCoord if not already one if not isinstance(position, SkyCoord): position = SkyCoord(position) if len(position.shape) == 2: shape = position.shape else: shape = False # Convert time to a Time if not already one if not isinstance(time, Time): time = Time(time) # Convert to ecliptic coordinates at current epoch position = position.transform_to(GeocentricTrueEcliptic(equinox=time)) # Get position of the Sun sun = get_sun(time).transform_to(GeocentricTrueEcliptic(equinox=time)) # Ecliptic latitude, remapped to range 0 to 180 degrees, in radians beta = (Angle(90 * - # Ecliptic longitude minus Sun's ecliptic longitude, remapped to # range 0 to 360 degrees, in radians llsun = (position.lon - sun.lon).wrap_at(360 * rl = self._spatial(beta, llsun, grid=False) if shape: rl = rl.reshape((shape[1], shape[0])) rl = rl.T return rl
def _calculate_spectrum(self, solar_path): """ Pre-calculates absolute surface brightness spectral flux density of the Zodiacal Light at the ecliptic poles. """ # Load absolute solar spectrum from Collina, Bohlin & Castelli (1996) with as sun: sun_waves = sun[1].data['WAVELENGTH'] * u.Angstrom # sfd = spectral flux density sun_sfd = sun[1].data['FLUX'] * u.erg * u.second**-1 ***-2 * u.Angstrom**-1 self.waves = # Covert to zodiacal light spectrym by following the normalisation and reddening # prescription of Leinert et al (1997) with the revised parameters from # Aldering (2001), as used in the HST ETC (Giavalsico, Sahi, Bohlin (2002)). # Reddening factor rfactor = np.where(sun_waves < ZodiacalLight._lambda_c, \ 1.0 + ZodiacalLight._f_blue * np.log(sun_waves/ZodiacalLight._lambda_c), \ 1.0 + ZodiacalLight._f_red * np.log(sun_waves/ZodiacalLight._lambda_c)) # Apply normalisation and reddening sfd = sun_sfd * ZodiacalLight._zl_normalisation * rfactor # #DownWithErgs self.sfd = * u.m**-2 * u.arcsecond**-2 ***-1) # Also calculate in photon spectral flux density units. Fudge needed because spectral density equivalencies # don't currently include surface brightness units. fudge = sfd * u.arcsecond**2 fudge = * u.second**-1 * u.m**-2 ***-1, equivalencies=u.spectral_density(self.waves)) self.photon_sfd = fudge / u.arcsecond**2 def _calculate_spatial(self): """ Pre-calculate the relative Zodiacal Light brightness variation with sky position """ # Normalise scaling factor to a value of 1.0 at the NEP zl_scale = ZodiacalLight._zl_scale / 77 # Expand range of angles to cover the full sphere by using symmetry beta = np.array(np.concatenate((-np.flipud(ZodiacalLight._beta)[:-1], ZodiacalLight._beta))) * llsun = np.array(np.concatenate((ZodiacalLight._llsun, 360 - np.flipud(ZodiacalLight._llsun)[1:-1]))) * zl_scale = np.concatenate((np.flipud(zl_scale)[:-1],zl_scale)) zl_scale = np.concatenate((zl_scale,np.fliplr(zl_scale)[:,1:-1]),axis=1) # Convert angles to radians within the required ranges. beta = + np.pi/2 llsun = # For initial cartesian interpolation want the hole in the middle of the data, # i.e. want to remap longitudes onto -180 to 180, not 0 to 360 degrees. # Only want the region of closely spaced data point near to the Sun. beta_c = beta[3:-3] nl = len(llsun) llsun_c = np.concatenate((llsun[nl//2+9:]-2*np.pi,llsun[:nl//2-8])) zl_scale_c = np.concatenate((zl_scale[3:-3,nl//2+9:],zl_scale[3:-3,:nl//2-8]),axis=1) # Convert everthing to 1D arrays (lists) of x, y and z coordinates. llsuns, betas = np.meshgrid(llsun_c, beta_c) llsuns_c = llsuns.ravel() betas_c = betas.ravel() zl_scale_cflat = zl_scale_c.ravel() # Indices of the non-NaN points good = np.where(np.isfinite(zl_scale_cflat)) # 2D cartesian interpolation function zl_scale_c_interp = SmoothBivariateSpline(betas_c[good], llsuns_c[good], zl_scale_cflat[good]) # Calculate interpolated values zl_scale_fill = zl_scale_c_interp(beta_c, llsun_c) # Remap the interpolated values back to original ranges of coordinates zl_patch = np.zeros(zl_scale.shape) zl_patch[3:16,0:10] = zl_scale_fill[:,9:] zl_patch[3:16,-9:] = zl_scale_fill[:,:9] # Fill the hole in the original data with values from the cartesian interpolation zl_patched = np.where(np.isfinite(zl_scale),zl_scale,zl_patch) # Spherical interpolation function from the full, filled data set self._spatial = RectSphereBivariateSpline(beta, llsun, zl_patched, \ pole_continuity=(False,False), pole_values=(1.0, 1.0), \ pole_exact=True, pole_flat=False)